Chrisoft::Touhou BGM Remix

Bring modernity to early Touhou Project games!


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How to use

If you have the original Touhou game, just replace "th**.dat" and "thbgm.dat" with ones found in the archive. It is recommended that you apply all official patches before doing so.

If you have a modded version, follow the instructions below:

  1. In a new folder, unpack "th**.dat" with thtk using thdat x<th release version> <path to th**.dat>
  2. Unpack the downloaded "th**.dat" using the same way.
  3. Replace the file "thbgm.fmt" found in the unpacked th**.dat with the one from the downloaded .dat file.
  4. Repack "th**.dat" using the command thdat c<th release version> <path to th**.dat> *
  5. Replace thbgm.dat with the one in the archive.

Special instructions for TH06

  1. Replace the folder "bgm" with the one provided.
  2. Look for "紅魔郷MD.DAT" in the game folder (the first three characters may show incorrectly on some systems due to code page issues. For example it shows up as "峠杺嫿MD.DAT" on a Chinese system). Replace it with the one provided.

Don't forget to backup the original version!


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