Privacy Policy & Terms


last updated 2024-06-22

These clauses might be super unprofessional. The only goal is to inform the users of this site (i.e. about their rights and duties.

Take footnotes with a pinch of salt!

1. This site uses Cookies.

… to store your browsing preferences and to improve your browsing experience. Below is a list of saved items:

  • color scheme of your choice.
  • loop / shuffle states, last used music visualizer.
  • password of encrypted section in blog posts (if you decrypted one successfully).

These cookies are not collected by the server to do analytics.

If you don’t like cookies for whatever reason, feel free to disable them. You’ll have to do so with your browser because this website does not have such mechanism built-in. The basic functionality of the site will still work perfectly fine with cookies disabled.

2. Information collected by this site.

This site collects a minimal set of your data to make the site work and do some basic level of spam prevention. Collected information includes:

  • Your public IP address.
  • User agent string of your browser.
  • UTC representation of the time of access.
  • Anything you filled in inside the guestbook form.

The collected data are also retained in log files.

3. Guestbook.

The guestbook page is where you can leave me a note. Anything you submit in the guestbook form shall be considered public information. Your message will be permanently archived in a private location not accessible on this site. In case of a message being deleted from the guestbook page, the message doesn’t also get removed in the private archive.

You cannot:

  • Advertise.
  • Be offensive. This includes insults targeting specific demographics.
  • Release any personally identifiable information that’s is not yours. Releasing your own information excessively is also frowned upon.
  • Leave too many messages in a short amount of time. 2 messages over the period of a week is considered the current limit.
  • Attempt to circumvent measures of moderation.

Messages violating rules above will be deleted without further notice.

You may:

  • Request deletion of your messages. Contact the owner of this site for further information on this.

This site will never:

  • Alter your message.
  • Take responsibility of the message you left.

When you leave a message, your IP address will be checked for spamming reports. You can review the source code on this section here. If there are reports against your IP address, your message will be held in a moderation buffer, waiting for approval. It may be released at a later date.

4. Data retention.

Your data collected by this site will be kept indefinitely unless there is a data loss, about which you will not be informed, and might be covered by …

5. Backups.

Like every site ever existed [1], data stored on this site, including those submitted by you, is backed up in a timely manner. [2] These backups may contain deleted data.

6. Your rights.

You hold the right to decide whether to use this site. If you feel uncomfortable about these terms, you might as well consider stop using this site immediately.

Your rights on your submitted comments in the guestbook are already stated in section 3.

[1]: except the old Gentoo Wiki
[2]: Of course they are also deleted in a timely manner.