piss off

#Tweet 2022-03-19T12:19:30Z§


#Tweet 2022-03-16T17:23:56Z§

Biyearly remainder to abolish daylight saving

#Tweet 2022-03-13T17:07:38Z§

grading shenanigans again

#Tweet 2022-03-12T05:09:21Z§

Fine. I'll tweet.

#Tweet 2022-03-11T03:27:59Z§

Write your fear mongering warnings in as many languages as you want. Never gonna stop me lol

#Tweet 2022-03-07T20:08:29Z§

... I'm convicted of hoarding and shall be damned

#Tweet 2022-03-05T06:10:38Z§

折腾了一晚上之后得出一个结论 我应该从今开始远离电烙铁(x

#Tweet 2022-03-02T06:00:02Z§

are we watching WW3 unfolding before our eyes rn

#Tweet 2022-02-24T05:51:27Z§

tfw you see this while grading

(no this is not a real submission, this is my depiction of a real submission. I'm a lawful alien)

#Tweet 2022-02-13T16:09:11Z§


#Tweet 2022-02-10T06:50:03Z§

Thanks for reminding me ... I guess?

#Tweet 2022-02-08T17:19:46Z§

(pixiv 79731922)

#Tweet 2022-02-02T18:54:14Z§

wish you all a not-so-snowy lunar new year

#Tweet 2022-01-31T04:12:53Z§

↪ Last Tweet

#Tweet 2022-01-30T01:37:03Z§

Every single iron box I've got is now forming a mountain (one is plastic, though)

#Tweet 2022-01-30T01:36:36Z§

Is this what Microsoft has recently bought into...

#Tweet 2022-01-29T17:42:19Z§

finally, the jab

#Tweet 2022-01-28T19:17:48Z§

random bad taste

#Tweet 2022-01-25T05:19:29Z§

The dead part of the Internet probably weighs much more than its living part.

#Tweet 2022-01-20T08:01:53Z§